Timetobee – the wonders of bees and backyards
For all of our lovely followers, there is an online event screening of ‘Timetobee’.
For details, visit: https://newcastlemuseum.com.au/what-s-on/current-events/timetobee-the-wonders-of-bees-and-backyards
Friday, 22nd August, 3:00pm
Online event, live-streamed via Newcastle Museum’s Facebook page.
About the author: Dani Lloyd-Prichard is a lifelong bee lover, an experienced and qualified beekeeper, researcher, educator and trainer.
She has held President and other Executive positions on the NSW and Hunter Valley Amateur Beekeepers Associations, worked as the NSW DPI Honey Bee Education Officer responsible for developing, delivering and coordinating the Certificate III in Beekeeping, conducted and published bee research at the University of Newcastle, compiled and co-authored the AgGuide on Australian Native Bees, and has kept European and Stingless bees for over 10 years.
Time to Bee is her business dream and offers one on one guidance, hive management assistance, informative gatherings and field trips for Women Beginner Beekeepers. Dani’s gentle and supportive approach helps women gain confidence when; caring for their bees, collecting and processing hive products, choosing apiary sites and equipment and conducting mandatory biosecurity inspections of their hives.
Her gatherings are always fun and educational with compulsory sharing of bee stories, honey recipes and tastings. Personal beekeeping and beecology guidance to help women succeed in caring for their bees. One on one and group activities delivered in your apiary with your lovely bees.